Corporate Membership

Invest in your female leaders today and be a part of the career advancement of executive and professional women globally.

UPWARD is committed to helping you support, develop, and retain the female leaders within your organization. Corporations benefit when they invest in women. In fact, having gender diversity in executive leadership roles pays off in several ways, from expanding the talent network, to increasing productivity, and driving profitability and organizational performance. In addition, an investment in a diverse, more inclusive workplace can lead to diversity of thought, stronger decision-making, resiliency, and innovation.


Invest in your female leaders today!

UPWARD can help your corporation attract more diverse women to your organization, create allies for women's advancement in the workplace, and establish a community of support inside of your organization.


With UPWARD membership the female leaders within your organization will:

  • Connect with our global audience of executive and professional women

  • Access our app: My UPWARD - a supportive space that helps you meet up, build up, and move up

  • Free access to events: 3-5 virtual and/or in-person events per month

  • Unlimited access to all virtual event recordings and our Digital Learning Library of professional development videos

  • Receive presale access to special events

  • Be invited to participate in our Executive Member &/or Business Spotlight

Small Business Membership

Created for business units, departments, or companies with less than 1,000 employees.

Enterprise Membership

Created, developed, and customized membership options for corporations, companies, or business units with over 1,000 employees.

How can UPWARD membership impact your corporation?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diverse and inclusive workplaces are essential in meeting the needs of today’s diverse clients, communities and other key stakeholders. An investment in a diverse, more inclusive workplace ensures diversity of thought, broader ideas, and supports greater creativity and innovation.  Organizations looking to improve gender equity within their companies should intentionally work to recruit, develop, and promote women at all levels. In addition to recruiting women and providing opportunities to take part in employee resource groups and broader development programs, companies should ensure that women are receiving mentoring and sponsorship as both are vital in career development.

The Business Case 

Recent studies now back up what many already know to be true: corporations benefit when they invest in women. In fact, having gender diversity in executive leadership roles pays off in several ways, from broadening the talent pool, to increasing productivity, and driving organizational performance. A February 2015 analysis by McKinsey & Company of 366 public companies across a range of industries in North America and the United Kingdom found that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15 percent more likely to financially outperform those in the bottom quartile. More recently, a 2020 McKinsey Report “Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters,” the findings show that gender diversity on executive teams is positively related to profitability.


Organizations that focus on DEI efforts are impacted by:

  • Diverse organizations are more successful at recruiting and retaining talent

  • Diversity is key to better decision-making among teams leveraging a greater variety of perspectives.

  • There's an increase in organizational innovation, team performance, and revenue.

  • Inclusive business cultures improve their reputations with consumers and employees.

UPWARD Corporate Members

To ensure a seamless membership launch, you will receive customized onboarding and customer support throughout the life of your membership. UPWARD also offers programs for individuals and organizations of all sizes. With your corporate membership, these programs are offered at a discounted rate.

What Members Are Saying About UPWARD


“UPWARD provides meaningful ongoing career development programs and a community of support for women who lead, or seek to lead, their organizations.”

— Lisa F.

“I felt gaining exposure to women executives, hearing their stories, lessons learned and advice keeps me focused on my career goals.”

— Katie W.