Join Our Online Community
My UPWARD is an online community specifically created for UPWARD members that brings together a global network of executives to access exclusive connections and resources. Together, we’ll create more opportunities and further the career advancement of female leaders.
Access My UPWARD from the palm of your hands by downloading the Mighty Networks app.
Once you have downloaded the Mighty Networks app, you’ll need to find and sign into our community. Here’s how:
Select the option to "Find a Mighty Network" and search for My UPWARD
You'll be prompted to sign in. Use the same email address and password or login option that you used previously to sign into My UPWARD
After your first visit, the app will remember you as signed into My UPWARD until you sign out
Apple iOS Store Download
Google Play Store Download
for the opportunity to:
Access executive women and men that are passionate about advancing women in leadership
Easily identify UPWARD members and build a global network to stay connected
Grow your business visibility to monetize and expand an idea, product, or service
Learn, poll, and grow with thought-provoking conversations and content from members
Create solutions, swap experiences, and build accountability to advance your career
Opportunity to grow your network for potential promotions and other career opportunities
Share challenges and learn from your peers to create more efficient and successful workplaces
Contribute and amplify your own experiences, skills, gifts and achievements to help others