Your contribution, no matter the size, will help us advance our mission and work towards a world where women's leadership is celebrated and encouraged. Thank you for your incredible support, and for being a part of our journey to empower women. We wish you a joyful and gratitude-filled season.
- The UPWARD Team
As we approach the giving season, our hearts are brimming with gratitude for the ongoing support for UPWARD and the generosity recevived from our community. Over the past decade, UPWARD, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has been dedicated to a mission that's dear to our hearts: advancing women globally.
While we've made remarkable strides, the challenge we face remains stark: Globally, less than a third, a mere 32%, of leadership positions are held by women. Equality in executive leadership roles on a global scale still eludes us, but this is a challenge we're committed to addressing.
UPWARD's focus is to bridge the gender gap in the workplace. As a result, UPWARD offers developmental growth opportunities needed to accelerate women into leadership roles.
As we enter a new decade of empowerment, we kindly ask for your continued support. Please consider a tax-deductible donation or sponsorship today. Your donations have played a pivotal role in our journey, and we believe that together, we can bring about lasting change.